Organizational Behavior Management
The success of different types of organizations heavily depends on the performance of the different departments within the organization. Moreover, the successful performance of these groups/departments also depends on the nature of engagement, where individuals play the roles they are best at. There is, thus, the need to ensure that the group leaders are actively involved in group works with the key undertaking being to ensure that there is the cohesion within the group. In the same line of thought, at the heart of this analysis lay the clear guidelines on the most crucial undertakings within a group that are important to ensure group members are cohesive, motivated and fully engaged as a team. Importance of Increased Manager’s Use of Group Behavior-Based Feedback The group members must have a common interest that forms the backbone of the group. Group behavior-based feedback is concerned about correlating the needed realignments within the groups based on identified areas of strengths and weaknesses. Increased use of group behavior-based feedback by managers helps to determine which role if the best fit for the individual. Whetten and Cameron noted that there are two types of roles, such as task facilitating and relationship building. On the one hand, task facilitating roles give directions, seek for information, provide information, elaborate, urge, and monitor, to name but a few. On the other hand, relationship building roles support, harmonize, confront, energize and develop. Therefore, the use of group-based feedback is helpful in delegation that is based on ability - a phenomenon that enhances group’s output. Group behavior-based feedback also helps the leader to manage mistrust, lack of commitment, and conflict in a group with the help of the past records of individual persons to see who best fits in what position or role weakness. Thus, group behavior-based feedback approach ensures that there is an objective auditing of the group and it is aimed at minimizing the elements of conflict and ensuring that the employees are more motivated. Intervention Strategies the Group Leader Can Use to Enhance the Group Effectiveness For a group to be effective, group members must be empowered to ensure they have the needed capacity to deal with their assigned tasks. Besides, they also need to be motivated to see to it that they have enough commitment to meet the target that is set both in their individual capacity and as a group weakness. Therefore, one of the interventions is on motivation, where the group leader has to ensure that the group members are highly motivated. Participative leadership forms the best approach, where the leader provides that decisions made within the group are reflective of the combined ideologies of the group members). This makes the members feel more appreciated within the group, where their leader identifies and recognizes the importance of the roles that they play. The result is that there is a shared sense of responsibility within the group and it is accompanied by highly motivated individuals within the group. Effective communication is another strategy that is helpful in empowering the group members and, at the same time, bringing the cohesion within the group. The effectiveness of a group highly depends on the level of cohesion within where the group members know their assigned responsibilities. Therefore, having a clear line of communication ensures that the group members have the needed information on how to best engage with the group. It is also through a good communication strategy that group members input complements one another, thus adding in the attainment of the umbrella goals. Effective communication also allows a good exchange between the leader and group members that enable the leader to capture individual points of strengths and weaknesses that help in role assigning. It is important to ensure that there is a healthy flow of information between group leaders and group members, and that employees are highly motivated for empowerment and more commitment. Motivational Theory Applicable to Sustain the Four Results Listed in the Case Study The four most conspicuous results agitated in groups are teamwork, achievement, good leadership and cohesiveness. It is the assertion that groups perform well not based on how best individuals are performing but how they are acting as a group. Moreover, it is the assertion that members need to have good leadership as a means of improving their commitment to the group goals. Besides, there is also the need to ensure that achievements are sustained through improved individual and combined efforts. Over and above, it is the assertion that no achievement can be attained if the group lacks cohesion, since this will jeopardize any actions taken towards attaining group goals. These are the variables that are highly captured by McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory. In this theory, people’s motivation comes as the result of three variables, namely power, achievement and affiliation. Achievement under the case study is a crucial demand for a group and this, according to the theory, highly motivates people where they can achieve the set goals. Good leadership is a phenomenon that helps to bring about a clear direction that can enhance the group’s ability in meeting the demand. Similarly, under the McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory, the argument is that people are highly motivated when they feel recognized within a group - a phenomenon that is highly presented under the good leadership. Teamwork is another essential variable in the success of any group, and this is an element that is especially well captured in the theory where the assertion is that people are highly motivated when they belong to a group bringing about the teamwork feeling. Over and above is the demand of a group to ensure that there is a cohesion within the group. Under the McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory, it is the assertion that people are highly motivated where they are subjected to collaboration over the competition. It is, thus, clear that McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory provides an umbrella cover on how good leadership, achievement, teamwork, and cohesion can be sustained in a group. It is clear that group’s success is heavily dependent on its leadership and its ability to influence the group members to work as one team. Moreover, an audit based on group behavior-based feedback provides a good platform under which the needed realignments are made at the right time. Empowerment, capacity building, and motivation are the crucial elements that need to be present within the group if good performance is to be guaranteed. Over and above, it is clear that the leader needs to ensure that above all, teamwork is guaranteed within the group for the group to working cohesively and be in a position to meet its predetermined tasks.
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Organizational Behavior Management